Truth Time: Does money make you happy?

Have you ever watched a reality TV show where girls flock around Chanel with a bunch of designer bags hanging off their arms and you mutter to yourself: "I wish that was me".

If your answer to this question is yes then this post may be a mind-changer for you.

I thought it would be exciting to get involved with The Perfect World Project – a new and exciting reality TV series that gives one lucky winner the chance to indulge in their dream life, and give my answer to that one, prevalent burning question: Does money make you happy?

To be completely honest, I believe it all depends on that persons current lifestyle. Of course money is pictured as a dream to those who aren't as privileged as others. To a millionaire, they wouldn't even feel the urge to answer this question; because they're stuck in their wealthy ways perhaps?

Some people would make many sacrifices to become such a person although others would turn down the chance if it meant losing the people they love. So if you was to ask me what my opinion is on the subject, my answer would be completely different to Joe Bloggs down the road. 

My personal response to the question is yes, money would make me very happy. I could treat myself to a shopping spree on Bond Street or a whole weekend at a luxury spa. But then it depends on how I received the money. Did I earn it? Did I win it? Am I living off someone else's money? And if it's that last one than definitely not!

To me, I don't believe that question will ever be answered as everyone believes in separate things. I would love to experience such a lifestyle but at the end of the day it's all down to luck or hard work.

Want to learn more about the project? 

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Be sure to let me know your thoughts on the question. Does a six digit figure appeal to you? Fire away!

Until next time!

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